TwoBeeps UK

Fast forward 2.5 years, and our Son lovingly calls him Beep and he does not go anywhere without Beep  This started to concern us, what if we lost him, would we ever sleep again?!  Along came Beep No.2, identical in every way, except much less loved.  Alaric can tell them apart easily, and the new impostor Beep is not allowed to take him to bed, oh no, that is a privilege bestowed upon only original Beep

Fast forward 2.5 years, and our Son lovingly calls him Beep and he does not go anywhere without Beep  This started to concern us, what if we lost him, would we ever sleep again?!  Along came Beep No.2, identical in every way, except much less loved.  Alaric can tell them apart easily, and the new impostor Beep is not allowed to take him to bed, oh no, that is a privilege bestowed upon only original Beep